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jmdunkle t1_iuwuef3 wrote

It says "too big for city streets. You're going to run over a kid". It doesn't say "too bad for the environment". Don't try to alter this to fit your narrative.


Donotaskmedontellme t1_iuwx8xn wrote

So not an eco terrorist, just some Karen


jmdunkle t1_iuwyaed wrote

Yeah, I mean... the person who did this is a piece of shit, but let's not twist their motives to suit our own biases. The motivation is literally spelled out on the note.


delusions- t1_iux1r6b wrote

Sounds like someone who wants french dressing to be the only dressing


Andyman127 t1_iux81iy wrote

Karen would be the one driving the big SUV.


Donotaskmedontellme t1_iuxae8q wrote

There is no bigger karen energy than complaining about someone's car unless it's loud or trashy