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Doug4Prison t1_iuwuony wrote

Nothing says pedestrian safety like having a big ass truck's tire debead or blowout.


crankshaft123 t1_iux7sm2 wrote

Nothing says incompetent driver like the failure to notice a flat tire while driving, then continuing to drive until the bead comes off the seat.


ballsonthewall t1_iux9vzp wrote

lmfao right? if you don't notice you have a flat within seconds of starting to move you shouldn't be driving at all


crankshaft123 t1_iuxwavw wrote

Based on my downvotes, the Karens disagree with us!


ballsonthewall t1_iuxx230 wrote

meh... if everything you believe is always popular you have a problem.


crankshaft123 t1_iuxxwnk wrote

Lol. I agree. Maybe that's why I've never been especially popular.


Reynard1981 t1_iuy3xvh wrote

I mean, this sub is filled with them lol. “Disagree with me and I’ll get my friends”.