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Doug4Prison t1_iv1kkd8 wrote

> What is your actionable plan if ol Dougie starts rounding people up? What is it that you have planned out to do in resistance? Besides crying on the internet to people who agree that he's a disgusting racist fucking turd. Please share the plan so that everyone else can be prepared to take action.

This is exactly the same rhetoric that a literal white nationalist from stromfront would use minus the 14 words. I'm sorry that I don't have your perfect roadmap to a utopia, which you arbitrarily decide to be legitimate or not. That doesn't give you an excuse to continue down the path of fascism. Your rhetoric makes it extremely clear that you don't give a flying shit about marginalized people. You are more mad at me criticizing a billionaire who was more critical of someone that write a work of fiction than they were of a transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, piece of shit scammer that they created and platformed for 5 years then waited until the very last second to say they were bad. You are at best a useful idiot and at worst an enabler.

And honestly, if the platitudes you are saying are actually true, maybe you should look into your rhetoric, because it clearly is shit. But again, continue to punch left, I'm sure it will eventually work out for you. I'm a Jewish atheist, anarcho syndicalist, and just queer enough that the I'll be the first to go, and here you are a supposed supporter of my cause fucking arguing with me, constantly punching left, and taking the same stance as them. Seriously go fuck yourself, you really don't give a shit and it is extremely clear. Say whatever you want, I don't care, I'm not going to platform your dogshit takes.


TacoNomad t1_iv1njo4 wrote

You're not even a good troll.

I think you have a feeling and you don't care about what exists in the world around you. How can I be upset about you insulting a billionaire if I literally agree with what you said. Do you see me praising oz or Oprah? Or do you see me saying that they will continue to take advantage of people? Because only the second is true.

What rhetoric am I spewing? That Oz will use his position to continue to take advantage of people? If you think I'm wrong on that, idgaf because it's true.

Please quote me where I said anything in support of oz or Mastriano. Go through as many pages of my post history as necessary. You're so high on your horse that you can't even read the words written. I'm not arguing any ideologies with you. I've only argued against the opinion of me that you are putting out there. Quote where I'm "punching left."

You give yourself all of those labels as if you believe that I am the complete opposite of whatever you believe is 'the right thing to be.'.

We've already addressed that you're willing to denigrate someone for being a woman. Or in your words, dick less. Because you know, women have never been discriminated against. What demographics do you think me and my family fall into? Because I'd hazard a guess that you have an image of me that is so far from reality that you wouldn't even see it if it smacked you across the face.

Again go ahead and quote the exact parts where I'm saying anything in opposition of progress. And tell me what demographic minority/majority labels you believe I am?