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DirtyHippyBastard t1_iv67ahc wrote

This red team blue team stuff is stupid, distracting, and just a waste of time all around. There is no difference in the way these two parties govern. Two pro war, corporatist, oligarchic organizations that use ID politics to create the appearance of opposition to one another, but are totally in lock step when it comes to the real agenda, enrichment of themselves and their owners. Wake up and stop playing the game. They are the same, only their faces change.


IamSauerKraut t1_iv8t9nq wrote

If you want to go forward, vote D.

If you want to go backwards, vote R.

If the R's have you seeing red, vote blue.

Huge difference in how the 2 parties govern. Anyone who says otherwise is a clueless idiot. But I repeat myself.


BearPhilly t1_iv6bhdp wrote

But "Democracy is on the ballot" lol


IamSauerKraut t1_iv8tccj wrote

Democracy absolutely is on the ballot. Or have you already forgotten about donnie dumpster fire's attempt to make himself king on Jan 6?