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drxdrg08 t1_ivfls4e wrote

> You can have my portion of the Turkish delight i don't want any.

Keep it. Choking on some Turkish delight when election results are released will be epic.


breadonbread3000 t1_ivfmwux wrote

The rosewater variety is not bad i don't like the pistachio kind at all.


breadonbread3000 t1_ivfrl6k wrote

By any chance are you a Russian operative trying to influence the election? I was just wondering I have heard of them on the news I never spoke to one before.


breadonbread3000 t1_ivfv0rn wrote

I just got it you are part of the Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı the turkish intelligence agency. That's what you meant by turkish delight when the election results are released. You saying it oz win that the head office back in Istanbul will be delighted to have an agent hold such a high ranking office in the US government.