Submitted by Existing_Jeweler9925 t3_yo4s2i in Pennsylvania
[deleted] t1_ivccdsu wrote
PADabber724 t1_ivccuan wrote
Yea you are definitely right. They use a purple spectrum led light in the greenhouses. 100% what it is.
FairyFlossPanda t1_ivckxoh wrote
Hopefully it is just Dr. Oz's reptilian brothers and sisters coming to take him home.
drjohnnybananaas t1_ivclhwc wrote
Pollution from the Sweetums factory.
albert_r_broccoli2 t1_ivcmqwi wrote
How would that cause a spot in the sky though?
Bobtom42 t1_ivcnerx wrote
You could see (tomatoe) greenhouse lights in Iceland like an hour away from the facility.
WorstTimeCaller t1_ivcnivs wrote
Maybe something having to do with Grimace?
AnotherDaveFella t1_ivcofwc wrote
Grow operation down that way, last month they took down some of the coverings and unleashed the full light onto the sky for breast cancer awareness.
Reference_Stock t1_ivcqnfb wrote
It's absolutely related to the organics remedies farm in Middlesex Twp.
KyleRichXV t1_ivcrnn9 wrote
One of my friends lives a few miles from there, says it’s a weed growing facility who lights up the sky pink near Oct. for Breast Cancer awareness.
IamSauerKraut t1_ivcvgs9 wrote
We certainly can hope...
Outside_County_5239 t1_ivcxaxy wrote
No it's lights from medical marijuana grow site.
twin-shadows t1_ivcxupa wrote
I saw a weird flying thing tonight that had odd lights. Thought it was a plane flying behind trees but it wasn’t and the lights were more green and red than just white and red.
shillyshally t1_ivcynuu wrote
JAK3CAL t1_ivczk3d wrote
haljordan68 t1_ivd0cwp wrote
Not Aliens
--Cr1imsoN-- t1_ivd3gfi wrote
That’s just my ride off of this crazy planet.
Haroflolpter t1_ivdjmpc wrote
I like how everytime one of these gets posted there's always the same 5 different responses lol
SpideySense12 t1_ive1iok wrote
Happy cake day!
Wide_Measurement_395 t1_ive3z4d wrote
they're here
bontakun82 t1_ivehsvy wrote
Finally, my ride is here
Virtual-Guidance69 t1_iveipbb wrote
5g northern lights
Virtual-Guidance69 t1_iveis2r wrote
Whoa buddy!!!
Existing_Jeweler9925 OP t1_iveph3x wrote
It was dusk, so the sky was already pretty dark and the cloud coverage was low enough to reflect the lights on the ground
[deleted] t1_ivexe4f wrote
[deleted] t1_ivezqo9 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivezzfg wrote
[deleted] t1_ivf06gg wrote
[deleted] t1_ivf0dci wrote
[deleted] t1_ivf0iah wrote
[deleted] t1_ivf0rxy wrote
[deleted] t1_ivf0x30 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivf0ywj wrote
[deleted] t1_ivg3d0r wrote
Existing_Jeweler9925 OP t1_ivcawsk wrote
Husband and I think it may be related to a medical marijuana farm operation. W also drive past something on the south side of the turnpike that looked like huge purple LED lights and the whole area smells skunky. Any truth to these thoughts?