Submitted by daywalkerredhead t3_yourhi in Pennsylvania

I did this during the Primary and it really helped a lot of people out and it was just a nice place for other poll workers to talk amongst each other. So, if you're a new voter, haven't voted in awhile, or a seasoned voter, read below as some reminders. It's sad most of these need to be said but wow, election days at the polls are the definition of why a people person can learn to hate the public! LOL!

If you're a fellow poll worker, drop some of your own comments below as well!


  1. The workers at the polls are volunteers, yes they get paid but, they have absolutely no control over how many machines there are, the type of machines being used, etc.
  2. The poll workers have no control over the buildings that voting is held at - meaning, if the owners didn't open the building up before 7am (which they are suppose to do) please be patient with the poll workers as they get things open. We try to do so as fast as possible as we know many come before work and have their own schedules to maintain.
  3. The workers at the polls do not need to know answers to every question under the sun that you might ask them about candidates or the voting process. The only "training" that occurs if for the "in charge" person at each poll which only covers how to use the machines. The poll workers are quite literally the last people to know of anything.
  4. It is not the job of the poll workers to influence you on how to vote. We can provide an example ballot with who is running for what but, that's it. Do your own research on who to vote for, before coming to vote.
  5. If you recently moved and did not submit your new address, you have to vote at your former poll.
  6. If your name is not on the sign-in sheets, do not take it out on the poll workers. They have absolutely nothing to do with those lists. Most times, a call can be placed to the main office to confirm you are able to vote at said poll, a form is filled out, and you can vote.
  7. If you need help voting, such as how to use the machine, please ask the workers, it's our job to help you out.
  8. If you bring someone to assist you with voting due to medical reasons or something like that, the person assisting you must fill out on a paper who they are, who they helped, and why. This is not put in place by the poll workers.
  9. Do not sexually harass the workers. It's not cute or funny.
  10. If you're outside a voting poll, working for a candidate or party, remember your boundaries, don't be rude to voters, and don't hinder the voting process.
  11. If there is a long line when you're voting - be patient - you may discourage a brand new voter if you're annoyed they are taking their time while casting their votes.
  12. By all means, wear what you want to show your support of your candidates and party but, if you see someone with opposing views, do not initiate a fight or verbal takedown of one another. This too can discourage, not only new voters but, anyone from voting.


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CoalCrackerKid t1_ivg4lrg wrote

> #6. If your name is not on the sign-in sheets, do not take it out on the poll workers. They have absolutely nothing to do with those lists. Most times, a call can be placed to the main office to confirm you are able to vote at said poll, a form is filled out, and you can vote.

Good tip, but I'd add, verify your registration & polling location here:

If you're at the right place, registered, and still not on the list, do not leave without voting on a provisional ballot.

(Edit: fixed numbering... Reddit formatting overrode mine. Aaaannnnddd, now the font is huge 🤦)


jdi000 t1_ivhfmd9 wrote

I just wish people were more courteous and stop campaigning at voting sites and let people vote in peace


IamSauerKraut t1_ivhgdsj wrote

  1. Many polls will have two types of "workers" inside: those who are the actual poll workers in charge of the location and process. They are NOT volunteers. The volunteers who may be there are poll watchers. They tend to be from political parties and are there to watch/observe, and in the rare case, question what is going on with a particular voter who is being denied the ability to vote.
  2. Agreed.
  3. Poll workers should not be answering questions or engaging in conversation re candidates.
  4. Same comment as 3.
  5. yep. Don't give the poll workers crap about it, either.
  6. Right.
  7. Ask the poll workers, not the poll watchers.
  8. Right.
  9. This needs to be said?
  10. Do not block the entrance to the polling place!
  11. Patience is a virtue.
  12. This needs to be said? Wear what you want when going to vote but try not to be a jerk about it.

gvillemini t1_ivjzppm wrote

Rule 9 applies to all things in life, not just at voting places.