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ScienceWasLove t1_ivj6ra5 wrote

Let’s flip the house and senate RED!!!


Buffmin t1_ivj7lrw wrote

No thanks I'm good I don't like fascism


DoctorSteve t1_ivj9lim wrote

Imaging thinking you're a patriot by choosing to vote for a foreign agent to be in our Senate.


Mijbr090490 t1_ivjap2x wrote

There would be no benefit in doing so. Republicans don't have a plan aside from turning the country into a theocracy. No plan for inflation. No plan for healthcare. No plan for jack shit. Just constant culture wars.


nardlz t1_ivj6yh8 wrote

How do you flip it red when it’s already red


Reynard1981 t1_ivkb3pu wrote

8 out of 14 state officials are democrat. It’s definitely not red right now.


mayor676 t1_ivjx3ub wrote

I wouldn't trust these people to flip an egg.


ScienceWasLove t1_ivkn2i9 wrote

The Congress of the USA is what I was referring to… which, as we know is blue.


ghweiss t1_ivjsb36 wrote

not interested in my daughter’s future as a handmaid


dream_bean_94 t1_ivjsjmq wrote

Honestly, they’re just exhausting. I’m tired of the constant culture wars.


SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_ivkbquq wrote

For what purpose?

If you're poor, you'll get poorer.

If you're not, you'll lose your choices. That would be "freedom," the thing you claim to love so much.

The ONLY reasons to vote red are that you are 1 scared of change 2 scared of other people. And you're going to have to confront those things no matter what as time marches on.


Reynard1981 t1_ivkazr1 wrote

100%! This state and the country is screwed up because of the liberal left democrats. I was much better off from 2016-2020 until the ballot dumps after midnight Election Day.