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Ziggi6029 t1_ix7xetc wrote

Enjoyed your miner league teams while you have them because the major leagues are closing down many of the minors.


zorionek0 OP t1_ix80349 wrote

They already did that in 2020. While I am sad to see it happen (RIP Burlington Lake Monsters), there’s not much more fat to cut.

Having four levels of minors (AAA, AA, High A, Low A) is probably more sustainable than the six or so adhoc levels. Plus, with the affiliate Major clubs there’s a financial backing that the indy ball clubs can’t match.

The current CBA sets 130 “domestic reserve” spots, those guys have to play somewhere since only 40 can be on the active mlb roster.


Ziggi6029 t1_ix8a7n3 wrote

That’s true but they intend to cut all but the AAA and use the college teams as there farm system much like pro football