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jz20rok t1_ixg8me5 wrote

I was both surprised that PA was at the bottom AND that our child population is high and that number is still low. Props to our CPS.


dreexel_dragoon t1_ixgyx5u wrote

Our rates of reported abuse are statistically super low, which means our CPS is likely doing a terrible job at providing resources and reporting cases. I imagine that the rural parts of the state have near zero reporting and the inner cities are underreporting on purpose or some combination of the two.


Clean-Bird3449 t1_ixhi3l1 wrote

I think it's fair to say it's under reported in every state πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ So that's not a knock on PA. And anecdotal evidence doesn't devalue the stats.


TheTemplarSaint t1_ixhdix3 wrote

Yeah, that’s not take away at all. It means that abuse is pretty massively underreported.