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VaggPounder t1_ivpna4h wrote

So a moderate Repub beat out the batshit fascist puppets Oz and Adolf Dougie?

There might be hope for this state.


IamSauerKraut t1_ivpqa44 wrote

Fitzpatrick is an opportunist, not a moderate. He is emblematic of what is wrong with Bucks County.


James19991 t1_ivpuell wrote

Jesus, will this dude ever lose?


ilikedhorsebot3000 t1_ivqotjj wrote

Not with the way Dems campaign in Bucks


James19991 t1_ivqvcid wrote

SMH. It's already bad enough this party loses one to two Senate races every cycle they should easily win


jah_wox t1_ivs2q34 wrote

Fitzpatrick has mastered the art of getting the 10% of independent voters to vote for him. If you are in a tight race and get the independent vote, your basically garnered to win.

That’s also how Shapiro won, he got literally all the swing voters.


James19991 t1_ivs5dw8 wrote

PA Democrats will throw a party the day he retires