frugal_masturbater t1_ivrh38d wrote
Reply to comment by --Cr1imsoN-- in Smiling Fetterman asks Oz if he’d mind slowly repeating concession for 5th time by rollotomasi07071
FWIW your statement makes good sense. He could instead have fanned the flames of his base with accusations, making things worse than they already are.
He may be a person I can't see eye-to-eye with but there's some recognition warranted.
DoctorSteve t1_ivripg2 wrote
You understand this is continually lowering the bar you set for Republicans? When the bar for a Republican is "losing", and when one loses you go "You know what, I respect that he did not storm Harrisburg with a militia", that is a wake up call for you.
Hold Republicans to a higher standard. Or you are only further pushing the idea of what a "Moderate" Republican is.
frugal_masturbater t1_ivrjv3z wrote
I am not calling him moderate. I'm going simply by the one thing that's being talked about, that he conceded without drama.
He is an extremist and a snake oil salesman. So more the better that he bowed out with some humility. That doesn't mean I consider him moderate at all.
DoctorSteve t1_ivrtk7l wrote
You're giving him credit for conceding. That is embarrassing.
It should NOT be refreshing to see someone concede. You need to keep your standards high. What you did here is dangerous talk. I don't care if you don't like hear it - it's the truth.
poopfeast t1_ivrwhq1 wrote
It shouldn’t be, but it is.
DoctorSteve t1_ivryz60 wrote
It might be refreshing to see a Republican concede instead of start an insurrection, but you have to be vigilant and keep your standards high enough that a Republican can concede and you don't respect them for it.
This is a personal problem, not a societal problem. We need to expect better of a Republican that we don't praise them when they don't start an insurrection.
frugal_masturbater t1_ivs0f94 wrote
I really don't care if you don't like to hear it -- we aren't talking about insurrection. We're talking about a single gesture. I'm sorry you can't compartmentalize things. Have a good one.
DoctorSteve t1_ivs2cbl wrote
I know we aren't talking about an insurrection, because he conceded. And you wrote "it's refreshing that he conceded". What's the alternative? What's the precedent to not conceding?
This is the comparison YOU made. I am telling you why your thinking is dangerous. You don't have to like it but it's true.
I don't know what you told me "I really don't care if you don't like to hear it" for. I don't want an insurrection. But I don't praise people when they don't begin an insurrection. You do.
Get some standards for Republicans.
frugal_masturbater t1_ivs33dz wrote
The alternative has been witnessed over and over since 2020, that can't be news to you.
ALL that was said is that "hey, good thing this chuckle-head didn't join that part of the crazy train." Literally, that's all.
None of the people in this sub-thread want an insurrection. None. It is a small nod to a gesture that asshole Oz could easily have waved off and yelled "fake fake fake."
A small nod to a small gesture. I can't explain it any better.
Torbelson t1_ivrnsnf wrote
Take a pill dude. Better yet smoke a j. I want socialism just as much as you. The more government the better. Free everything for everyone takes time. J it up and wait for the money to roll in.
DoctorSteve t1_ivrtncc wrote
None of that has anything to do with my point.
I am discussing people lowering the bar for Republicans.
Torbelson t1_ivsvjnk wrote
It actually does. See as Democrat I am lowering the bar as a human so that my government can give me free stuff. That makes me a complete piece of shit. I am only voting Democrat for Socialism so that I and democrats just like me never have to work a day in our lives ever again. Gimme Gimme baby!
Talk about lowering the bar.
DoctorSteve t1_ivtxbgh wrote
I am surprised you can still post on here after cheering for John Fetterman's death.
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