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DoctorSteve t1_ivsbsh0 wrote

The video is titled "David McCormick: RINO" and is uploaded by Oz's Youtube.

I am aware you believe in alternative facts, but can you explain why you believe this video - titled "David McCormick: RINO" and uploaded by Oz's Youtube - does not say Dave McCormick is a RINO?


SwissyVictory t1_ivscktr wrote

You're right, the ad has nothing to do with it, but the title they gave it on YouTube does say that.

You also ignored everything else I said, focused on the one point you thought you could win, and then attacked my character.

For the record I voted strait Democrat in this election, including for Fetterman. I dont believe in alternative facts lol.

I do believe that the majority of people calling Oz extreme are the same people who say that every republican is extreme. Those people themselves tend to be the ones that are extreme. They are falling for the propaganda designed to divide us, and it's hurting our country.


DoctorSteve t1_ivsehu1 wrote

I did not ignore it, I chose to focus on one ridiculous statement from you at a time. Now that we've established that the video from Dr. Oz that says "David McCormick: RINO" is real, we can move on.

I don't care how you voted. You are espousing dangerous rhetoric online and it needs to be addressed.

I showed you videos of the following things.

  1. Oz making very strong statements on the second amendment, on guns, and on using guns to defend against crime - and against the government.
  2. Oz attacking trans people. Reprehensible.
  3. Oz referring to the media as "the woke media". A direct extreme right talking point.
  4. Fauci attacks are a dogwhistle. You are not going to defend Fauci attacks to my face right now. Oz attacked Fauci for months, and Fauci is NOT his opponent in this race. He repeatedly challenged Fauci to debates - sound familiar? Seems like Oz really wanted to pivot to television.
  5. An ad directed strongly at Republican Moms with one Far Right Republican fear tactic after another. Literally says "there's big threats out there". Fear of outsiders, fear of something foreign, fear of the unknown - as hindbrain pandering comments as you can get.
  6. Part of his early campaign when it was more relevant, Oz repeatedly went after the pandemic, against science, against lockdowns, against the vaccine, and for conspiracy theories surrounding Covid. This is an EXTREME position. This isn't moderate. The fact he wanted to fire Fauci should speak volumes. A random poll isn't evidence of anything. And looking at the poll itself, it's by The Hill and HarrisX. HarrisX is NOT The Harris Poll. There isn't much of any evidence over what it is. They have a zero engagement Twitter page.. Looking at the author's other articles, they're all clickbait poll garbage. This isn't evidence. Fauci attacks are NOT mainstream, accepted, moderate positions. Stop spreading lies.
  7. Oz was very strongly (just for the election) anti-abortion. If we've learned anything from last night, America is not anti-abortion. This is an extreme stance.
  8. This last ad goes through a number of hits in a row. All of them are extreme, far right, direct Donald Trump issues. "Big Tech is silencing conservative voices" screams out as an extreme position. More focus on the border - something that is beyond obviously an extreme far right position. The focus of the ad is that Joe Biden is evil. Joe Biden won the election. That clearly makes this position an extreme on.
  9. Oz's Donald Trump endorsement video. Which is more RINO-ing about McCormick. You wrote "So your argument is someone who is extreme likes him so he also must be extreme?" The answer is yes. One extreme political figure endorsing the other directly states that the other must also be extreme. Especially when the endorsement is being made because they share the same views. This ad has Donald Trump say "He believes in the MAGA movement 100%". I don't know how you can spin your way out of that. I know you'll try.

Dr. Oz very, very, very evidently was the extreme candidate in the Republican primary. You need to remember this. And you need to stop giving a candidate respect because they did not begin an insurrection.


NotNowDamo t1_ivsq4j8 wrote

Dude, I am pretty sure this is Dr. Oz's alt account.

Better to stop giving this troll oxygen. Oz went extreme during the primary and that guy knows it. The only reasonable explanation is he is trying g to rewrite history to show Oz in a good light so his doctor friends let him come back and do more surgery--the only thing the man can seem to do without lying.