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Varolyn t1_ivup26m wrote

I don't think he has publicly but I don't think he's made any indication that he'll challenge the results either. He'll probably just fade into obscurity.


crazypants9 t1_ivv2qyx wrote

I doubt that. 2 million goldfish voted for him.


Varolyn t1_ivv5n9u wrote

He lost by a landslide and the GoP establishment is probably going to stay as far away as possible from him. It was an embarrassing defeat and regardless if he concedes or not, Shapiro will be the governor in January.


crazypants9 t1_iwhbq6l wrote

I remember the Trump installed Supreme Court appointees saying roe vs wade was something they would not attack. They lied right to your face. Mastriano will still work the sewers and he’s an elected Pa state senator. The work is not done. They are not going away. We must end them, because we were told before to “not worry” about the lunatics.