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feelin_beachy t1_ivt20pf wrote

Just because I voted republican doesn't mean I support what happened on 1/6. I wish more responsible Democrats would own firearms.


jcaino t1_ivt5qu2 wrote

Plenty of folks on the left do own firearms. It just isn't their whole personality.


quietreasoning t1_ivt5tdr wrote

Spoiler: It does, in fact, mean you support the Jan. 6 attack.


theytook-r-jobs t1_ivt5fdd wrote

Well Oz and Mastriano would hold no one accountable and if Trump/Desantis lose would be part of the government who try to put them in power even though they lost an election. (Just like all the House republicans before, after, and on Jan 6.


nomuggle t1_ivta0u2 wrote

Just curious, why do you with more democrats owned guns?


HahaWeee t1_ivtbips wrote

A lot of dems own firearms

We just don't really talk about it because 1) it's not our entire personality and 2)we'd rather the crazy assholes not know we are armed