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cpr4life8 OP t1_ivtjv91 wrote

I don't disagree with you and I apologize for the brevity in my response. I was in the middle of something and typed out a quick response and went back to what I was doing and then thought, "Damn I probably should have held off on responding until I was available to give a full response" 😅


FyrestarOmega t1_ivtltu7 wrote

All good, it encouraged me to look further, learn more, and (I hope) bring valuable information to the conversation, and you just did it again (but please stop now, I gotta actually work lol)

I'm not loving what I learned about attorney general results, but let's look even more closely at new candidates

For governors, 1-3 out of 15 new candidates won (7-20%). For senators, out of 14 new senate candidates, 5-8 won (36-57%). Attorney generals is 4-6 out of 12 (33-50%). *my opinion* is that each of those win percentages will stay under 50%.


cpr4life8 OP t1_ivtru3t wrote

Haha sorry, my intention was not to assign you homework!