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BarrelDestroyer t1_iw1pkfy wrote

Either deer or dog tick, when it’s back is huge like that it means it just recently bite somth and is full of blood.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iw283iu wrote

Ordinary. Do you use tick/flea repellant of any kind?

We use Advantix once a month and have seen zero ticks which is important because of Lyme Disease.


Mijbr090490 t1_iw2i5vt wrote

Thats a well fed tick.

Look into simparica. Diseases spread by ticks are no fun.


AFD_0 t1_iw2o59z wrote

After having 2 dogs contract lyme's disease, we've had much better luck switching to K9 Advantix II and a yearly lyme vax. Advantix is one of very few that actually seems to repel the ticks, rather than only killing them once they've latched on and have been feeding. Unfortunately, it can be very dangerous for cats, so probably not an option if you have any.


scatandtransfan t1_iw5tid5 wrote

Looks like a blue dog tick. At least they don't bury their head like deer ticks.


Beginning_Finger_577 t1_iw73wq8 wrote

You can take it to a vector control office or your local college and they can help you out


Virtual_Wind_6198 t1_iwrf4vh wrote

That's a dog tick.

Edit: It could be either a female dog tick or Deer tick getting close to popping it's little ones.