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Signal-Maize309 t1_iw6d2wm wrote

Property owned by private parties. It’s a misdemeanor in PA to remove the signs. The owners of the signs have 30 days after an election to remove them from public lands before the state removes them and fines who placed them.


[deleted] t1_iw6d6zs wrote



Signal-Maize309 t1_iw6eoqq wrote

Omg….you’re reaching. First of all, personal property is property owned by ONE person. So no, personal property is not the correct term. Those signs are private property owned by groups supporting the candidates.


[deleted] t1_iw6eqfw wrote



Signal-Maize309 t1_iw6mgne wrote

WTH are you taking about?? A yard sign isn’t land. No one is equating it to land. Private property encompasses many things. A copyright is private property, and just bc it’s private property doesn’t mean it’s related in any way to land, other than they’re both examples of private property.