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gderti t1_ixwunb6 wrote

Woke? As in understanding that our society and the world is moving forward NOT backwards? Understanding that a woman should have control of her body in all things? Understanding that racism should have no place in our society? Understanding that trickle down economics is bullcrap? Understanding that there south half of this country started a war to keep slaves as their sole source of free labor? Understanding that there is more world than three US? That people should be able to love and be whomsoever THEY choose so that they can be happy? What part of woke don't you like our want to pass down to our children?

And what does it have to do with the dumbing down of our children so that the GQP has willing and uneducated masses that will continue to buy into the MAGAt rhetoric and FauxNews propaganda...

Yes... Maybe it's time to wake the fuq up...


RipTide275 t1_ixwvwlo wrote

Wow you’re easily triggered Karen


defusted t1_ixxdv60 wrote

Lol "I'm gonna come in and say some dumb shit then claim I triggered the libs, I'm such a smarty boy"


I_heart_canada_jk t1_ixx0d3h wrote

I don’t know man, I’m a dude and I find it a little scary you think the way you do. It’s dangerous for everyone except the super rich.