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SnooRevelations9889 t1_iwdv1wd wrote

This is true. Some open secrets people need to know:

(Edits in bold.)

Republicans always have DINO's (people registered Democratic but firmly on the side of the local Republican committee) to sign petitions and get their Republican judicial and school board candidates on the Democratic primary ballot.

Having Republican candidates on the Democratic Primary ballot really adds pressure to Democratic candidates, who (reasonably or otherwise) will stress out about losing the Democratic primary to their opponent. It does make local Dems scramble, and if there aren't effective Democratic poll greeters, our opponents are more than happy to (scrupulously or otherwise) guide Democratic voters to their preferred candidates.

If the Republicans can get a local Democratic candidate removed from the primary ballot on some technicality, in my experience, they will do so.

Then expect fliers going around saying that their right wing whacko candidate is "the only candidate on the Democratic ballot." This language WILL trick many voters into thinking they are a Democrat. That's more work for the local Democrats to educate voters out of that.

What can you do?

You can provide support to your local candidate. Driving them around when they knock doors is a huge help. Having a neighborhood get-together at your home to introduce the candidate is fantastic. Even just texting them to tell them they are awesome will help. And financial contributions at this level go a long way.

Another, easier thing you can do is to register Republican, or keep your registration that way, and reach out to your local party (google <county name> county democrats) and let them know you want to sign cross-filed candidate petitions.

This evens the field a bit, putting pressure on the Republican Party to defend their seats in the primary (or if they don't, we can win them, which gives us a large advantage in November).

Petition signing will be in February. Once this year's election is squared away, you will be able to find the dates here:


susinpgh t1_iwewpat wrote

JFC. It's all about power for these people.


rageinthecage810 t1_iwe5sui wrote

Soooo your saying its rigged?


SnooRevelations9889 t1_iwf1gfe wrote

Not sure where you got that.

I'm explaining what it takes to win. It's not a friendly backyard game, not even at the local level.