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NeumaticExpert t1_iweakqf wrote

So my experience with therapy around here has been pretty solid from MY personal experience. HOWEVER, if you need to be admitted to a mental ward like I have good luck cus your treatment may vary greatly, I’ve heard awful things and ok things. Minus the food, the food service in every ward (to my knowledge) slaps.


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwec6c0 wrote

I hope it never gets to a point where I need to be hospitalized , I had a very traumatic 14 day experience and swore I would never admit myself no matter how bad it got


NeumaticExpert t1_iwecmpp wrote

Just be careful, it’s better to admit yourself than have the government do it for you, you lose a lot of rights if you get forcefully admitted. A big one around here is losing your gun rights, PA kinda be real big on guns


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwfkn3r wrote

I don’t think it’s different by admitting yourself. Because once your 5150 you lose all your rights and have no say. I was recently held for 14 days against my will. Also I can’t own guns for 5 years


NeumaticExpert t1_iwgkyru wrote

I’m sorry to hear that, I was on the cusp of being forcefully admitted but caved and signed myself in, so I still have my gun rights in that regard


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwhizyw wrote

That’s crazy, how do u still have gun rights? In my state I admitted myself willingly and no matter what they put you on a 5150 hold and can hold you however long they want. And then you can’t have guns for 5 years. I’m glad about that because I never want guns and I shouldn’t have them because of my suicidal tendencies


NeumaticExpert t1_iwhjekw wrote

When you admit yourself here you can leave when you want if they asses you to not be a threat to yourself or others (take that how you will), and assuming you comply with their rules you can keep your rights for the most part


Riverrun221 OP t1_iwhoix7 wrote

Interesting. Admitting myself and getting put on a 5150 hold I was stripped from all my rights. I was treated like a criminal. Dehumanized for 14 days. I will never admit myself to a hospital ever again because of it.


NeumaticExpert t1_iwi35zm wrote

For all the many many many many flaws this state has, being in the hospital is better than dying. The mental health system is a joke everywhere you go in this country, PA is no exception, but at least you might get some level of care, maybe