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Mijbr090490 OP t1_iwng56n wrote

That would be great. Along with a legislature that actually gets shit done instead of fighting constant culture wars.

On a side note, our medical program is basically recreational with a paywall.


orangesfwr t1_iwnllph wrote

For real. Anyone can get it with even the most basic reason like anxiety or depression...

...and that's a good thing! But might as well just eliminate the farcical checkpoint


ho_merjpimpson t1_iwpb66q wrote

Anyone... Unless you have a gun carry permit. Or, or or or.

There are a lot of people that can't just get it as easily as many think.


EveryLivingLine t1_iwo8dyr wrote

"On a side note, our medical program is basically recreational with a paywall."

Maybe so but people can still be denied jobs for testing positive. Also, I work for county government. If I would get tested I guess I'd be fired. As far as I know though I only get tested if in an accident while driving a county vehicle, so pretty unlikely. This wouldn't go away though if PA legalized it... it would need to be legal on a federal level.