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electric_ranger t1_iwnomb1 wrote

Having a Philadelphian as speaker might mean Harrisburg stops actively fucking with the city every chance they get.

Plus, having control of the state house means the GOP can’t send phony electors for 2024.


ksquad80 t1_iwo169y wrote

Unreal that we are fending off the fucking state legislature subverting the Will of the People.


Yelloeisok t1_iwppibn wrote

What is even crazier is how much we pay them for a part-time job. Everyone needs to ask their Representative how much they are being paid and ask why they won’t raise the minimum wage - is it because they own/run companies that pay minimum wage, so they would only be hurting themselves?


[deleted] t1_iwox1tt wrote



GraffitiTavern t1_iwozyby wrote

Fuck off. I'm also from rural PA, and I don't see how it should be Harrisburg's right to fuck with a democratically elected municipal official. Your republican shitheads are the ones who chronically underfund schools to funnel rural and urban areas into low-wage jobs. You talk about being left alone, but your right-wing authoritarians are the ones forcing your views on the people who suffer in our communities and the state at-large. But that'll change. The hills are seeing the light, blue swing in every rural part of the state. We'll fund our schools and take back our communities from the right.


[deleted] t1_iwp0kdj wrote



GraffitiTavern t1_iwp1348 wrote

Motherfucker, I grew up here. I'm not leaving and I am fighting like hell to keep you people from destroying my region and my state. You're probably a carpetbagger from New York or something. I will never let corporate power to take over our state politics, and I won't let the Republicans destroy the nature on which we depend. Maybe you should consider moving to Florida or Texas.


Electrical-Wish-519 t1_iwoyh5k wrote

You realize that all the money in the state coffers comes from the blue areas? If we just kept money at the county level based on what people paid in taxes, you’d have worse schools, roads and other infrastructure almost immediately


AlbertVonMagnus t1_iwnrhr2 wrote

Lolwut? You think Philadelphia is less corrupt than Harrisburg?

It's is literally one of the most corrupt cities in the country, ranking #7 on the number of corruption convictions alone which is an objective metric.
