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zorioneku t1_iwq2jdj wrote

TIL about Hazeltown Iowa. Sure, they may have a medium security federal prison… but do they have KIT KATS???


IamSauerKraut t1_iwq3eq6 wrote

FSS Hazelton is east of Morgantown, WVa.


zorioneku t1_iwq480k wrote

Well THEY don’t have a Kit Kat factory either


IamSauerKraut t1_iwq867e wrote

There is the Martha Stewart prison just a bit west of Stuart's Draft where a number of Reese's and some Kisses products are made.


PorkrollEggnCheeze t1_iwqfrr5 wrote

What does FSS stand for? FCI Hazelton in WV is males only, but there's a female USP there too.


IamSauerKraut t1_iwqj1yo wrote

FSS + typo s/b SFF.

FCI is a Federal Correctional Institute. FCI Hazelton is a medium security facility for males. A very new facility.

SFF is a Secure Female Facility. SFF Hazelton is a medium security facility for women. Adjoins the male facility. Here is a pdf report about the facility:

Keep in mind that I am predicting, if convicted, that Riley June Williams will be sentenced to this facility. She has not yet been convicted and not yet sentenced. Hazelton is, imho, the appropriate landing place for her.


Huffy_too t1_iwrghd5 wrote

I assumed it stood for 'For F*** Sakes'.


IamSauerKraut t1_iws73sp wrote

Which is what I will say if she is sentenced to something ridiculously light.