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PatientNice t1_iwsehqa wrote

Nationally, Republicans take the House and one of the first things they say they will do is investigate Hunter Biden? No wonder they seem intent on losing. When will they do something for us?

Maybe we’ll see recreational marijuana in PA now!


joefred111 t1_iwsh1ac wrote

>one of the first things they say they will do is investigate Hunter Biden

Don't forget, they'll try to scrounge up some reason to try to impeach Biden, too.

That being said, article is about the PA State Legislature.


Loki240SX t1_iwujnrf wrote

Likely that's the step after the Hunter investigations. Through olympic-level mental gymnastics, they will implicate Joe in some BS they claim Hunter did.


Its-me-big-dee t1_iwsr4a9 wrote

Why isn’t odd to more people that a branch of the govt. wants to investigate a civilian that never held a govt. job?


JoeK1337 t1_iwvd1n4 wrote

The son of a government employee that does business transactions on Air Force 2? The son that shares bank accounts with his father Joe Biden, the VP of USA? Yeah that civilian.


PopeMaIone t1_iwvgcuh wrote

I highly doubt there's hard proof Hunter Biden chartered Air Force 2 for his personal business dealings. Of course it's also not illegal for a son to share a bank account with his father or for a father to fly on the same airplane as his son.

Face the facts, President Biden will never be convicted and removed from office by the Senate for anything the right-wing nutters try to throw at him in the House including impeachment. It will only boost Joe's approval ratings, particularly if he's impeached, when he's ultimately acquitted.


Revolutionary-Swim28 t1_iwsi9jx wrote

If weed gets legal here I will be so happy. I have bad anxiety and it’s causing problems in all of my connections with others


Calint t1_iwsl1eg wrote

Medical Marijuana is legal in PA. Just ask your doctor for a prescription.


Itsshrovetuesday t1_iwsocey wrote

It's not that easy in PA. It's kind of a bureaucratic cluster fuck to get medical MJ here to be honest.

Only doctors with medical mj certification can prescribed it. If your doc doesn't have that cert you have to see one who does and usually you wind up paying out of pocket for the consult because most of those docs don't take insurance. Typically can run between 175 to 200 bucks and then another 50 bucks for the medical card itself.

Recreational would just be so awesome for everyone (except maybe those consult groups making absolute bank off MJ appointments)


chaqalaqalaqa t1_iwsso70 wrote

It’s actually really easy to get one for anxiety.


dackinthebox t1_iwwdujn wrote

Sure, if you do all of the things the comment you’re replying to said. It’s still a pain in the ass, and definitely isn’t “easy” for everyone.


Calint t1_iwspjln wrote

So $250 a year to get medications that you need? I am def all for rec marijuana, but if someone needs it for medical reasons that doesn't seem so bad.


BeatsMeByDre t1_iwss6wc wrote

That's just the doctor. Then the card and then you actually have the buy the ridiculously overpriced stuff.


Jicama_Minimum t1_iwstjxa wrote

How much is like an 1/8th? I haven’t bought any for like ten years so it may have inflated naturally anyways but back then an 1/8th of good stuff was around $50


InsaneAss t1_iwuh0jq wrote

You can look at online menus with prices for pretty much any dispensary. Here’s one example:

Plenty of 1/8s available in the 30s. Or even 1/4s in the 50s.


Jicama_Minimum t1_iwuh7q0 wrote

So why is comment OP saying the stuff is rediculously overpriced? Have street prices fallen? Seems like those prices are good to me


BugMan717 t1_iwuhjco wrote

Cause they don't know what they are talking about. Sounds like they checked into it when they first legalized medical in PA when it was hard to get and expensive and never looked again.


InsaneAss t1_iwuhdxq wrote

The prices have actually fallen a lot over the last two years. They were pretty bad for a while before more competition could open. That person was probably going by old info.


dankocybinchungi t1_iwtifsf wrote

My brother went to recently, it's $75 for an appointment and it's over the phone. You literally just have to say you have anxiety. However i've had it since around 2018 or so when it first started because I have autism and that was WAY more strict and I actually had to go in person and fax my medical records to them and everything so i'm kinda jealous lol.


ANAHOLEIDGAF t1_iwt1h9t wrote

Literally a 2 minute phone call and the cost of a bag of weed for peace of mind and CYA.


_Shrimply-Pibbles_ t1_iwuddip wrote

It’s the easiest thing possible. Can do it on your phone in about 10 minutes. I can’t overstate how ridiculously simple it is.


Itsshrovetuesday t1_iwv8dq0 wrote

Sure it's not hard but I wouldn't necessarily say it's super easy either.

the things I have to do to get med MJ in PA

  1. get medical records from primary doctor showing eligible condition/diagnosis.
  2. sign up on the PA medical marijuana website and pay $50 to get a patient number so I could schedule a 5 minute phone call with a certified MJ doctor
  3. pay $175 to a certified MJ doctor to read the documents my primary doctor provided and say "yep, sounds like you need weed"
  4. wait for MJ doc to validate the script on PA medical MJ website
  5. wait 1 month for medical MJ card

Things I have to do to get MJ in CA

  1. be 21
  2. go to weed store

It's a bureaucratic nightmare. Recreational MJ would certainly remove pretty much all that bureaucracy.


_Shrimply-Pibbles_ t1_iwvaa2f wrote

I registered, got approved and was waiting for my card to ship within 30 minutes without leaving my house. No records needed. If that’s not super easy I dunno what to tell ya.


Itsshrovetuesday t1_iwvfcfr wrote

did you just recently get approved? You're not kidding, that's pretty fast. nothing at all what I experienced.


_Shrimply-Pibbles_ t1_iwvfrsx wrote

Not recently but know people who have. Similar experiences. They went through veriheal.


Itsshrovetuesday t1_iwvga6l wrote

nice - well I'm glad to hear that perhaps some of the red tape bureaucracy has eased a bit. Got mine back in 2020 so maybe covid played a role in my experience. Just felt like it took forever, was hard to identify who was actually a legit consultant, card took several weeks to get to me once approved.

Glad to hear that perhaps that isn't the norm for patients today.


indisposed3000 t1_iwwqgj5 wrote

I got my card in March 2022. Registered online, scheduled a phone appt online for later that day w/an approved doc, anxiety diagnosis made based on online registration with Dr. and 5 minute call, no supporting medical records required. I believe it took 6 days from Dr’s appt to receive my card in the mail. I think card was $50 and appt was $150?


Mr_Worldwide79 t1_iwuet4t wrote

This is inaccurate. Head over to r/PaMedicalMarijuana

Can get a certification over the phone for $75 and a 1-2 minute appointment.


Itsshrovetuesday t1_iwv56ob wrote

it's not inaccurate because it's what I had to do. I imagine the appointments are cheaper now because the market is a little more saturated with doctors who have received that medical marijuana cert. Prior to it being wide spread there was a bit of a mark-up for those appointments. I paid $175 for my appointment in 2020, plus $50 for the card itself.

The whole process is a chafe. You have to sign up on the PA med MJ site to get your patient number, you need to get your documents from your primary care Dr. (or referring dr. who diagnosed you), provide that to the consult MJ dr. (which yes, you can do on a 2 min phone call which I guess is the most convenient part of this process) Those consult drs. don't diagnose you, they just confirm the diagnosis your referring dr. made is one that can be treated in PA with med MJ. Then you wait about a month to get your card after approved. Then repeat every year.

Recreational weed is far more convenient than all that nonsense.


DoodManBro t1_iwvpwry wrote

You are correct on the costs but I went from scheduling an online session to having my card in the mail in about a week. It's very easy


ConkHeDoesIt t1_iwwlpn1 wrote

It's super easy to get a card. I don't have mine anymore because I stopped using it, but I just used the service "veri heal" and got one pretty quick. The conversation with the prescriber was over the phone and lasted probably less than 2 minutes. It's incredibly user friendly.


klauskervin t1_iwv9p35 wrote

While medical marijuana in PA is great the cost is prohibitive for what is supposed to be regular use medicine. Especially concentrates.


FrenchBread147 t1_iwuzazb wrote

I'm very confused. Cannabis use is linked to increased anxiety.


IamSauerKraut t1_iwsgphd wrote

This is the PA sub, not the US House or about Hunter Biden.


PatientNice t1_iwskhlb wrote

Hence my comment about recreational weed in PA. Or did you not get that far?


IamSauerKraut t1_iwslbvv wrote

Considering the state senate is controlled by the GQP, I did not consider it.


PatientNice t1_iwsn89i wrote

But now legislation can be passed in the house and sent to the senate. If they ignore or vote it down, they will be exposed for what they are - do nothings.


My_WorkReddit2021 t1_iwvnags wrote

Check it out, this person still thinks conservatives want elected officials who govern.

We are well past that. The Republicans in the PA state Senate could personally beat the Hershey Park kiss to death on primetime and not lose votes. Conservatives are rats who celebrate cruelty.


ScienceWasLove t1_iwu24im wrote

Dems had all three branches. For two years. No national movement on marijuana.

Maybe the red counties in PA will finally see some progress like our blue cites. My town needs an open air drug market, car jackings, more crime, and herds of roaming quads/dirt bikes in the streets.


PatientNice t1_iwu5xp5 wrote

I don’t live in Philly and if you think there’s no crime in between Pittsburgh and Philly, you live in a wonderful bubble.


brohammer5 t1_iwu8386 wrote

It takes 60 Senate votes to pass federal legislation. Dems couldn't actually do anything substantial on federal legalization because they only had 50 D senators.


PopeMaIone t1_iwvhe87 wrote

The reason the Dems had unified power is because the Republicans did nothing when they had unified government under Trump except try to kick the sick off their healthcare and give tax cuts to the rich. Maybe the blue counties will finally see the same progress as the red counties. Rotted teeth so you don't have to worry about dental/healthcare, rampant poverty to land you on the government dole and run down 4th hand trailers so you can live off your small welfare check without having to find supplemental income from work. Lastly, if only the blue counties had the crime rate of red counties they could simply be put out of their misery altogether. Progress.