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t1_iyu1f6b wrote

>And for what it’s worth, when I die, I literally do not give two shits what you do with my body.

This is fine, but this is you stating consent to do so. These people donated their bodies to science and consented to being used for educational purposes, not lewd or disrespectful ones.

For me, the important context here is that these students are training to be medical professionals. Respect of bodily consent is key to that field. Respect of people's sensibilities toward death and the handling of bodies post-mortem is also going to be key to their job because they'll likely see a decent amount of it in their profession. If they can't be trusted to treat the body of a dead person with respect, it's fair for the college to question what kind of grace they'd extend a living one.


t1_iyu3sl4 wrote

I don’t think we have any facts on whether or to what degree the deceased would have cared, but I agree with your points otherwise.

I just think this transgression is one that should be dealt with via learning the points you’ve raised, or via personal and university sanctions, not criminal ones. Maybe the criminal process will be the cudgel to make that learning happen. But if these folks do 2 years at the ACJ, that’s a gross overreaction.


t1_iyvgjei wrote

I highly doubt they’ll go to jail, in all honesty. It’s probably more that the potential hangs there as a threat to emphasize the seriousness of the crime in the most extreme situations. They’ll likely get probation and a fine. Now, for what the school will do is another situation. These two may very well be on their way to academic censure, if not suspension.


t1_iyvlh7y wrote

I mean, I’d prefer a disposition that’s has a little more learning. Impose some ARD that has x-100 hours of community service in connection with funereal directors or palliative care for the elderly or something. Use the opportunity to rehabilitate. These aren’t hardened criminals who are dangerous to the community. They’re kids who need to be taught a lesson.