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h3mip3nultim4te t1_iyvtx6v wrote

You’re entitled to your own opinion, but in mine, prison is meant for people who represent a threat to the community so that they have to be isolated. These are kids just out of high school who need to grow the fuck up, not threats to the community.


ManfredsJuicedBalls t1_iyvuu1v wrote


So when you croak, we’ll let someone violate your dead body in ways you would not have approved of when you were alive. No big deal, right?

If you find it no big deal… seek professional help. Badly.


h3mip3nultim4te t1_iyvv6mb wrote

I literally do not care what happens to my body when I die. And I certainly don’t want my dignity to be used as a basis to put kids in prison years later.

I’m not suggesting it’s not wrong or morally reprehensible. But it’s not what prison is for.


ManfredsJuicedBalls t1_iyvvrko wrote

Seek help. Badly


Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_iyx0b8s wrote

This is silly. Not everyone is religious so people have different views about what happens to you after you die. To me a corpse is just dead organic matter with no significance whatsoever, so I don't care what happens to my body. You disagree, which is fine - your preferences should be respected. But there's no reason to impose them on everyone else.