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BuilderMaleficent554 t1_j2bl2eb wrote

Recreational use in PA is completely illegal but many cops will let you go with a warning or something similar to a parking ticket with how its treated lately. Some cities/ municipalities have decriminalized it which makes the fines less and not a criminal offense. If you have your medical card in PA it is still illegal to combust i.e. anything using an open flame e.g. bongs, joints, blunts. but legal to vaporize Any form of edible is still illegal in PA


ClemDooresHair t1_j2bv9bk wrote

“I’m confiscating this weed to put into… uh… evidence.”


Rainey_outside t1_j2e64wu wrote

Edibles that are food based (require you to chew) are illegal to sell but you can freely make them yourself.


aught4naught t1_j2d9z7h wrote

>Any form of edible is still illegal in PA

Technically untrue. RSO syringes, tinctures and THC capsules are sold in mm dispensaries. It's only provisionally true given that in popular usage, marijuana "edible" refers to something like a laced brownie or cookie. Those are banned in PA in an effort to protect the unsuspecting from accidentally ingesting the drug.


BuilderMaleficent554 t1_j2dluo8 wrote

what youre talking about is considered ‘ingestible’s’. stupid silver lining thing PA does. edibles are illegal


msd1211 t1_j2ekhjt wrote

Edibles are not illegal. There's nothing stopping you from buying materials from the dispensary and making your own. They just can't sell them


aught4naught t1_j2ehfrc wrote

Are ingestibles not eaten? Ingestible/Edible... a rose is still a rose if you eat it regardless of any govt newspeak.