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31spiders t1_iz9zwz7 wrote

It would help if you told us where you are/plan on being because NYC really isn’t that far. There’s local strawberry drop at Harrisburg, Lebanon has the Bologna drop, I think it’s Pittsburgh that has the pickle drop…or are you talking festival like….concert type festival and the drop is kinda secondary?


ScrappleOnToast t1_iza5nmw wrote

Falmouth lowers a goat, and Dillsburg lowers a pickle.


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_izclvtf wrote

How much money do you have? My wife and I did Bedford Springs Resort's New Years Eve gala one year, but it cost $900 for the night. Worth every penny, though.


Allemaengel t1_izdszq6 wrote

Well, there's the lump of coal drop in Shamokin.