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hedgerow_hank t1_j2ec73g wrote

Ah! Another know nothing right wing mouthpiece.


jaythebearded t1_j2ecxpe wrote

How does what they're saying make them a know nothing right winger?

Edit: I'm starting to feel like some people are vastly misreading electr's comments as being dismissive of the 2 trump impeachments, but it's literally the opposite they're saying those were legitimate impeachments unlike this krasner impeachment.


hedgerow_hank t1_j2eeuo0 wrote

Because the right winger is applying one false set of circumstances to another non-complicit person entirely. Kind of falls under the "shill" category.

Will you be needing help with what the word "complicit" means also?


jaythebearded t1_j2egbls wrote

I still don't get it honestly, what false circumstances are you saying electr_o_purist is applying?


hedgerow_hank t1_j2egkdz wrote

Might I suggest reading the article and quit plying me with idiotic questions that are easily answered if only you read the article?



jaythebearded t1_j2eh8u1 wrote

I did read the article and I still fail to see how what they've said in this comment chain makes them a right winger.

> Impeachments are for people using their office to commit crimes, for example, bribing foreign leaders with military support in exchange for political favors, or instigating violence in support of something like a fake electors plot to overthrow the election you lost


> This whole phony impeachment is a hollow right wing publicity stunt.

This doesn't sound like a right winger to me. I'm trying to understand what you're saying, there's no need to be rude.


hedgerow_hank t1_j2f3fi6 wrote

So you read it and don't understand it. Perhaps your mom can explain it to you because everything you've said so far indicates that you have little to no comprehension regardless how well you read.


jaythebearded t1_j2f4tuu wrote

I comprehend the article and electr's comments just fine, what I don't understand is why you think electr is right wing when their comments indicate they are not.

Electr said

> Impeachments are for people using their office to commit crimes, for example, bribing foreign leaders with military support in exchange for political favors, or instigating violence in support of something like a fake electors plot to overthrow the election you lost

And you claim that

> the right winger is applying one false set of circumstances to another non-complicit person entirely.

What exactly are you trying to say is a false set of circumstances?


Finrodsrod t1_j2fan0z wrote

He's sealioning you. Don't bother answering the troll


jaythebearded t1_j2ferli wrote

I'm literally not, look at electr's comments across this thread, he doesn't at all come across as a right winger. Can you explain how the electr saying

> Impeachments are for people using their office to commit crimes, for example, bribing foreign leaders with military support in exchange for political favors, or instigating violence in support of something like a fake electors plot to overthrow the election you lost

Leads to a response of

> the right winger is applying one false set of circumstances to another non-complicit person entirely.

I haven't sealioned at all, I've been asking about one thing this entire time, how they think the user electr is a right winger. Beyond that, I've refrained from any insulting comments despite them being repeatedly rude