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t1_j2erbtu wrote

How about a novel idea. Prosecute criminals and get them off the streets.


t1_j2esw7k wrote

That's not novel at all.

But in your situation, they get convicted and serve time. They come out poorer than when they went in. They weren't rehabilitated. There's no support structure for them after release. They go back to what they need to do to survive. The cycle continues. But that's the point isn't it? That's the whole school to prison pipeline. That's the whole reason for for profit prisons. That's why cops make so much money. Because crime pays.


t1_j2ey2rs wrote



t1_j2f09dt wrote

You're just spiteful for some reason. You're opposing a solution proven to work. But it hurts your feelings because criminals deserve no respect apparently.


t1_j2flkml wrote

So where in your paradigm does personal responsibility, education, and abiding by the law fall in your undertaking of more social programs? Not being spiteful, honestly curious how we can spend more when so much seems wasted now. There are 501 school districts in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia comes in # 17 in spending per pupil. ($13283 per student) It ranks #450 in standardized tests. By any measure, that is a problem. There are an enormous amount of districts doing more successfully with far less money.
I get your statement that prisoner recidivism is a problem. It is.. but again the educational opportunities there are usually ignored or unused. I’m not necessarily against spending money, but throwing money at a situation with no results is not going to help. What we have done doesn’t seem to be working.


t1_j2fuj71 wrote

I think it's hard to judge the actions of others through your own personal lens.

  1. Police funding is up 33% since 2015. Or almost 200 million even while the size of the dept has been reduced. (More vacancies)
  2. 0 libraries are open on the weekend in Philly. So should we keep throwing money at police?

I think a drastic approach is needed. Remove blight in neighborhoods, build new schools and playgrounds, build entire new neighborhoods with local labor. Start a jobs program and teach new skills.

Unfortunately, you and I understand personal responsibility and how to live with others. We recognize long term consequences for our actions but these high schools kids do not. It truly needs to be a war time effort to right this ship. Like IEP in schools, the same system needs to be created.

My basis for this extreme help is realizing you just can't live in this world without money. Hunger makes people desperate. You and I might channel that energy differently but there's a whole range of different intelligence out there. That's why mental illness is found in higher rates in prison populations versus the whole population.


t1_j2evziu wrote

Tell me you weren't here in the late 80s and 90s without telling me you weren't here.


t1_j2exh3t wrote

Lived in Phill for the past 55 years. What’s your point lib?


t1_j2ezyzq wrote

Ahh.. Delco most likely... Not biased at all. 80-90s were worse in Philly. 500 a year.

Going to be a hard end to your life in Pa with millennials and gen z taking over and trending liberal as they age.


t1_j2f1fpr wrote

They were not, love it when people post stupid comments that are easily verified.

Philly had one year 1990 where homicides hit 500, thoughout the 80s they average below 400. The 90s were worse but still below 500 homicides a year averaging just over 400 a year with 1990 being the worst year and overall decreasing heading into the 2000s.

2020, 2021, and 2022 have been all time highs for homicide in the city's history, shootings have also continued to increase every year.

Turns out being soft of guns is a bad idea.


t1_j2f3cf6 wrote

Thanks for proving me right 😂 late 80s into early 90s were just as bad if not worse depending on the crime. Hip hop music helped bring a lot of this stuff to the front and the communities cleaned themselves up.. with the current rise of police brutality...again.. Plus economics.... brought it on again.

While you're at it check the statistics on the rise of crime after the last pandemic.


t1_j2fawqk wrote

> 80-90s were worse in Philly. 500 a year.

Thanks proving you don't know how to do math. There was only 1 year in that time period where homicides hit 500.

In the 80s it averaged 351

In the 90s it averaged 411

in the 2000s it averaged 340

in the 10s it averaged 304

in the 3 years of 20s its averaged 525

If we just want to look at Krasners term in office 2018-present its averaged 457 a year. Other crime stats are also up at by dramatic amounts, such as car jacking, and retail theft, worse than those average rates in the 90s.


t1_j2fk22u wrote

How about the Philly PD ends its soft strike and actually starts making arrests in these violent crimes. You can’t prosecute people if no arrests are being made. Philly cops have been butthurt since Krasner got elected the first go around. They need to get over it and get back to work or the whole department should be reorganized like they did in Camden.


t1_j2fmybq wrote

GFY tatertot. They could be better but Dem policies have destroyed the cops


t1_j2forab wrote

LOL, poor PPD, having to deal with a 33% budget increase under the Kenney administration and no major department-wide reforms, although a few particularly heinous cops got prosecuted and the controller’s office pointed out that the department’s still using fucking teletype machines to distribute critical daily info.