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SyzygySynergy t1_j07ssj6 wrote

"Functional Families"

The sad thing about this is, there are a lot of people out there that will tell you that "blood ties" are worthless in a lot of cases. It's why there are such jokes as, "my family puts the fun in dysfunctional." Sure, some families are great, but the amount of divorce, separation, familial chaos, domestic violence, etc can honestly speak for itself. A lot of times, "blood family" and family "by marriage", amounts nothing in comparison to what a lot of us refer to as "found family" or the "family of our own choosing".

Not allowing people to live with whom they want as well as whom may help not only then but the overall community is asinine. At a time when money is what it is, prices are what they are, homelessness is what it is, social injustices run rampant, and people are tired from four years of living in a pandemic, things like this are just going to make things worse and shows how little care that overseers bearing power have for the common people. This is ridiculous.