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Matt-33-205 t1_j0o2vqd wrote

I understand what you're saying, you make some valid points. However, it was the CDC who initially said the vaccine would prevent both contracting the virus and spreading the virus, I saw multiple videos in which Rochelle walensky and Tony fauci said this directly. Fauci also said early on that masks would be virtually useless in preventing the spread, then he said everyone should wear a mask, then he said people should wear 2 masks. The science didn't change, the messaging did. There are definitely good people at the CDC, but leadership is clearly hyper political and intermingled with big Pharma.

I'd like to think the CDC was just incompetent, but their manipulation of data and highly inconsistent messenging is very concerning. It needs to be investigated.

I'm not hyper partisan at all. I listen to reasonable intelligent people with an open mind. If you had to put me in a box, I'd call myself a libertarian. I think Trump is a buffoon, I also think Joe Biden is a buffoon and is often incoherent. It's stunning to me that these two men both became president of the United States.


tyrael459 t1_j0pkg5b wrote

I agree on the messaging of the vaccine. I don’t know if it was some people being overly optimistic or if it was intentionally misleading in hopes of getting more people to take the vaccine immediately. I do think there was an honest thought in the scientific community that if enough of the population could be vaccinated in a very tight window, perhaps we had a shot at slowing or even stopping Covid. But realities of the world and vaccine distribution should have made those people publicly acknowledge that such a feat was basically impossible. They should have been very honest up front what the vaccine was most likely to do: Keep you out of the hospital, and giving people most at risk a better chance at weathering bouts of the illness.

If they would have pitched it much like the flu shot, (which it really is, just for Covid) I think people would more more understanding of the situation we find ourselves in and we’d be seeing less of the absolutely bonkers conspiracy theories from the fringes.

Personally, I don’t want my tax dollars going towards beating a dead horse like Fauci over and over again through investigations and hearings for the next 2 years. His missteps with masks were avoidable and unfortunate. As anyone in the medical field will tell you about masks, bottom line: Yea, a high-quality mask like an n95 or kn95 will help you IF you wear it properly and consistently, especially if everyone in the room does the same. But reality doesn’t usually result in situations like that. People wear them under their nose, they take them off to scratch, they touch them with their hands constantly, etc. Basically makes the whole point null. And cloth masks don’t do much.

Should’ve just leveled with that stuff from the start. Our leaders here and across the world bungled the response and messaging, and in doing so they created fertile ground for conspiracies and gullible people to question science and medicine anew.