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DocCarlson t1_j0l91zy wrote

The ER won’t do an MRI. An MRI is considered inpatient testing to the ER and they will only do it if they admit you to an overnight stay


ChemicalPop5255 t1_j0lbuz8 wrote

This is not true. I work at a large hospital in Philadelphia as a CT Tech. While MRI is almost never the first diagnostic test to be ordered they are still ordered frequently from the ER.


Correct-Med5992 t1_j0m7kwe wrote

Agree this is not true as chemicalpop said. You can get a CT quicker (which can also rule out/diagnose certain head injuries and conditions). If you need a CT and PCP is not helping, you can either find an urgent care near you- call ahead and ask if they do MR OR CT scans on site and if they do either ask how much it is. Worst case scenario, go to Abington hospital on York road in willow grove. You will wait about 7+ hours but they will do a CT and review. If nothing is wrong you’ll go home, if you need to be admitted, they may do additional testing at that time. Lowest cost option is definitely an urgent care.


DocCarlson t1_j0ldjiu wrote

I work in the ER and my hospital system in Allentown will not order MRI for patients until admitted which include stroke patients. They will scan OP then tell him to follow up with Neurology in order to get the MRI


screaminglady t1_j0la8vr wrote

I think that's just the hospital you went to. I have most certainly had mri's in the e.r non admitted.


ButtBlock t1_j0le5jq wrote

Yeah like if you’re ruling out acute myelopathy or stroke or something. But subacute headaches? That’s prob going to be very difficult to justify to insurance companies. And as much as I hate them, they’d kind of be right not to cover this in an inpatient setting. Those machines are usually at capacity dealing with actual emergent/urgent stuff.


IamSauerKraut t1_j0lsywo wrote

I've had a couple of run-ins with cars while out on the bike which required head MRI's as part of the ER visit, but I was never an inpatient. Also had PCP order a test; again, without being an inpatient.


DocCarlson t1_j0m7h0m wrote

Pcp can order the mri but my er won’t do it. We will CT scan which we do for most all accidents n head injuries but not an mri


browneyedgirlpie t1_j0lv7o6 wrote

I've had an MRI without being admitted in the ER. This was for a very bad migraine. This has happened twice with me. Once at Lancaster General and once at Hershey.


DocCarlson t1_j0m73q0 wrote

Mri not Ct scan? We cat scan everyone with headache but my er won’t mri anyone in ER


browneyedgirlpie t1_j0m99hi wrote

MRI. I was in the middle of a migraine each time. It was very painful bc of how loud it was and my noise tolerance during my migraine. I have also had cat scans done, once at an ER visit, and once during a neurological work up for my migraines. I've been suffering from migraines for over 40 years. I've been to the ER quite a few times for more intense migraines or ones where I can't get them to stop.