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RemoteStatement OP t1_j0nvqh0 wrote

Ya I see people doing that too the argument is the rear end will slide. There is a video about it on YouTube. But of course the tire companies put out propaganda to get you to buy more of their tires. Thanks for your reply.


booboobearkitty t1_j0nw0oi wrote

If you're in a stick Toyota Corolla, the rear end sliding is entirely in your control. Winters on the front should be all you need, even if you have some balding all season rears. Just don't whip it around haha


itsallfornaught2 t1_j0nxhc0 wrote

That's incorrect. Stick or no stick. You want to have the same tires on all wheels unless you're in a predicament that requires a tire off. Each tire will react differently to the same conditions if they're a different tire.


RemoteStatement OP t1_j0o07ic wrote

I think its Switzerland that its illegal to have just winter tires on the front .Maybe other countries as well. Thanks for your reply


[deleted] t1_j0o64gl wrote



RemoteStatement OP t1_j0o6uyb wrote

Walmart charges 11 per tire for mounting. Not sure about the dismounting but the tires that are on it have the lifetime mount and balance so that should help. Thanks for your reply.