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t1_j0s76x1 wrote

Love to see it but I hate SBUX … terrible coffee


t1_j0vdnqn wrote

I’m not a coffee drinker, but I hear that a lot.

Never been to a Starbucks, I think the closest one is like 2 hours away.


t1_j0sa1gy wrote

The local mall Starbucks kiosk (suburban PGH) was closed and several employees were casually placing fliers about and turning their backs when people came by to take them (i.e. not allowed to hand out flyers). Meanwhile, the mall Target Starbucks was packed. Wanted to ask the strikers what they thought of the scabs at Target but they were gone by the time I looped back through the mall. Kiosk was still closed. Hope they get what they're after...


t1_j0sibus wrote

Fwiw target SB locations as well as other “in store” locations generally are not eligible to be part of the union as they are classified as a store employee rather than a Starbucks employee. The flip side is that if the store (target) is unionized, they’d be unionized with them rather than target proper. Starbucks employees don’t even get discounts at the in-store locations typically as they are under completely different systems


t1_j0sj2ob wrote

Good to know, thanks for the clarification! Not sure the union status on the local Target, although they are a nationwide department store so probably not a great chance.


t1_j0t5wd0 wrote

Great info. In Philly I remember there was some controversy about opening a physical Starbucks in dillworth plaza outside city hall (got burned and rebuilt in 2020) but the interesting thing revealed by that was that another cafe across the park had a Starbucks operating agreement (not branded as Starbucks but served their beverages) and that the temple bookstore across 15th was also not technically Starbucks corporate but nonetheless Starbucks was profiting off of three different locations via different instruments within 500 feet of eachother. Not to mention several locations within a couple blocks


t1_j0u6kwo wrote

Watching that SBUX burn at Dilworth was fun 🤩


t1_j0z9ntc wrote

> Watching that SBUX burn at Dilworth was fun 🤩

Hello, this is not the FBI, so what other burning buildings have you been around when they burned down?


t1_j0zb09l wrote

The absolute most entertaining moment was watching the cops get pelted with coffee beans after performing a kettle bell on peaceful protesters


t1_j0ssmof wrote

Aaaaannnnnddddddd now Philly has no more Starbucks coffees.


t1_j0u6xj4 wrote

Meh, we have a handful of local roasters like Rival Brothers, Greenstreet, and about 5-6 more that make starbucks look like shit. If anything we have our own local version of starbucks called La Colombe. People always freakout when a chain closes in philly but they’re never aware of the thriving coffee culture that exists with small roasting operations.

Where would I rather pick up some coffee? From a globalized brand with a horrendous history or some small shop that roasts the coffee in front of you?


t1_j0z8zy8 wrote

> we have a handful of local

So why don't the Starbucks employees go work there then?


t1_j0zaold wrote

SBUX has decent benefits - smaller roasters tend to have fewer staff members … the point being, I’d rather spend within the local economy whereas SBUX operates like an oil rig, drain the local economy of it’s $$$ for utilization elsewhere.


t1_j0u7reh wrote

Lol like those three are the only coffee shops let alone Starbucks in Philly.


t1_j0uyblq wrote

Oh no, the worst coffee in the city isn’t serving for three days?? Oh man..


t1_j0u3rw2 wrote

Wawa coffee is better anyways! Support the workers!


t1_j0rwoo9 wrote

The article is pretty short does anyone know if it's all Philadelphia stores?


t1_j0tyij6 wrote

As a former retail and service worker this enrages me. These jobs a decade ago were for HS, college kids and part timers. Now people are trying to make a living pouring coffee for a living. Give me a break.


t1_j0u887u wrote

A decade ago is 2012. I worked at Kmart and Home Depot (and construction jobs) back through 1999 and 2005. I worked with people who indeed made it there "living" back then. What the hell is wrong with that? Not everyone is cut out to be career professionals, but the retail wage workers deserve fair compensation for their work.

You're enraged why? Because people want to be compensated accordingly?


t1_j0u8jay wrote

People who work in the service industry deserve to make the same as trade laborers?


t1_j0u9r8n wrote

Literally no one is saying that. Every worker deserves to make a living wage. You COULD buy a house off of minimum wage in the 60s. Now minimum wage is 30+% less than the 60s wages when adjusted for inflation.

Maybe the heads of companies, in this case Starbucks CEO whose total compensation package is over $20 MILLION, could pay their employees a fair wage so people like you don’t have to be outraged when they see them fighting for one.


t1_j0utq5w wrote

> You COULD buy a house off of minimum wage in the 60s.

In the 60's, the dude that was selling ice cream cones from a truck. yeah, he did that supporting a family of 4 as the main bread winner. It's ridiculous how much wages have stagnated over the decades. What's hilarious is how bad all the mega rich are yowling over people making 17 bucks an hour, and the temporarily embarrassed poors suckling their teat.


t1_j0vly11 wrote

I am saying it. They deserve to make as much money as they can just like everyone else.


t1_j0vlsy5 wrote

They deserve to make as much money as they can get. Just like everyone else. Jesus Christ the elitism is dripping through the internet.


t1_j0wnpq3 wrote

Crabs in a bucket. He thinks if someone's improving their situation that makes him impacted negativy somehow. He wants to keep people down to feel better.


t1_j0umc1c wrote

>These jobs a decade ago were for HS, college kids and part timers.

Where does it say that?


t1_j0vljes wrote

Who the fuck died and made you the boss of which jobs are for whom? Give me a fucking break.