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Jordaneer t1_j2aquvg wrote

This is in Idaho, roughly 300 miles east of Seattle


sirfuzzitoes t1_j2bjczy wrote

Am I mistaken? Isn't that what I said?


delusions- t1_j2dtjv8 wrote

Idaho is a state in the United States of America. A city is a human settlement of notable size.


sirfuzzitoes t1_j2du49t wrote

Well now I'm more confused. Isn't Moscow in Russia?


Spellscroll t1_j2e1m94 wrote

City names are often reused. Ex: there are 24 towns worldwide named Dublin, including the obvious famous one.


delusions- t1_j2edtgb wrote

Hi More Confused, I'm dad.

Mos Cow, is the milk bar one sector away from Mos Eisley.

Mos Eisley was a spaceport on the desert planet of Tatooine.

Russia is a country in the fictional Jesus universe