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Impressive_Bus11 t1_j2to6bl wrote

I stopped using the turnpike at the start of the pandemic when they implemented the "new" job killing technology that saves the commonwealth potentially millions in labour costs by automating the entire process, and then charged MORE if you don't have an EZ pass because of "increased processing costs" of a fully automated system that eliminated thousands of decent paying jobs.

Instead of getting rid of the antiquated, unnecessary EZ pass.

I'll use the toll road again when they tell me which officials have money invested in the company that makes the EZ pass transponders.

The state ha so far dodged 2 FOIA requests regarding the turnpike, each claiming the other department is responsible for responding to the request. If any lawyers wanna sue the state for answers, hit me up.

I'd love for them to provide evidence that this automatic system costs them more than thousands of workings manually taking toll payments.