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MegaGrubby t1_j2to33v wrote


here for those who don't want to copy and paste


BeatsMeByDre t1_j2usk8f wrote

I just did it but seriously does sending an email ever do anything?


MegaGrubby t1_j2uv67z wrote

so do nothing is better? So many nihilists


TwitterTapeParade t1_j2wat79 wrote

You are using that word wrong. nihilists are people that believe in no moral truths and that defines those of no faith. Those who believe in evolution, natural selection, and that children should be taught to think they can be any gender they want with puberty blockers and life destroying surgeries. That is the new Democrat party.


MegaGrubby t1_j2xmun2 wrote

How aren't these hate posts moderated? Six hours and still up.

edit: what's up /r/Pennsylvania ?


TwitterTapeParade t1_j2yw48d wrote

Maybe you are the hater? If you have the right to target people's comments then get over it snowflake.