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Wudaokau t1_j3f9j83 wrote

Anyone surprised? Republicans are criminals


stahleo t1_j3gfkoe wrote

These are mistakes made by Democrats. Own it.


cashonlyplz t1_j3glaqc wrote

Yeah, I'm confused. People seem to be misunderstanding the technical side of things versus being rightly critical of Republicans back-pedaling on procedures they themselves initiated at the start of the pandemic.

The votes were improper, and that's unfortunately on the voters, not the PA GOP.

What is on the PA GOP (and the RNC, fwiw) is making it harder for everyone's vote to be counted.


ScienceWasLove t1_j3gn5f2 wrote

This info is in the article. 1,000,000 dem and 187,0000 rep mail in ballots.

1% of dem and 1.8% of rep mail in ballots were discarded.

Turns out republicans that mail in their ballot were 1.8 times more likely to have their ballot canceled.


Thecrawsome t1_j3gtu33 wrote

Democrats don't do shit about it though. That's the most frustrating part.

Democrats need to organize and crash a party.