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OneHumanPeOple t1_j3yz62d wrote

We have 4 equal seasons. Snowy winter, flowers galore in spring, hot summers, colorful autumn. There are forests everywhere.

Where I live, there are no dilapidated buildings, but I don’t have to drive far to be in a city with run-down areas. I live in a liberal area. The middle of the state is like Kentucky but it’s a wonderful place to go camping.

All races are welcomed. This is a very populous state so there are racists. We are the first state above the mason Dixon line making this state the first refuge for people fleeing slavery back in the bad old days. We have a large Hispanic population as well.

There are Churches, Mosques, synagogues, Hindu temples and more in my neighborhood. My kids go to public school and have off for the major religious holidays of various religions. Their gender identities and sexual orientations are respected in school.

I live in a rural township 30 minutes from the city of brotherly love. I enjoy fishing, dining out, having BBQs, seeing shows, and chilling maybe smoking a little medical marijuana to relax.