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ThankMrBernke t1_j4je242 wrote

>What went so wrong in Pennsylvania?

You nominated a lunatic that alienated even Republican voters (My GOP-voting grandfather who stuck through Trump and has voted Republican in every election since at least 1968 refused to vote for Doug), didn't make this up by picking up votes anywhere else in the electorate, and decided the optimal campaign strategy was to hide from world and pray for victory instead of running ads for the last three weeks of the campaign.

Oh, and he attended Jan 6 and submitted coup fanfiction as his thesis at the Army War College. Maybe try running a better candidate, next time.


ThankMrBernke t1_j4jg4w0 wrote

>Another major goal of the postmortem, Asher said, is to figure out how to win back the suburban areas in the state that have trended away from Republicans in recent years, chief among them Philadelphia’s vote-rich collar counties.


You made this bed in 2016 when you traded upscale, college educated white voters for downscale, low-voting propensity culture warriors in dying towns. Chester, Montgomery, and Delaware counties provided more Democratic margin in raw votes last year than Philadelphia did, for the first time ever. The suburbs don't want the shit you're selling. Bye bye.