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ell0bo t1_j6p0nu8 wrote

And also how faschnaut is spelled. (How I knew it)

I only just started seeing it with a t, your spelling, which is weird to me. fasnacht I've seen at the local church, but I believe the old PA dutch is faasnacht or something like that.


No_Square_2111 t1_j6p13zh wrote

The problem is PA Dutch never had a spelling oversight or authority of sorts. No websters dictionary. If you look up old books, newspapers, etc.. you will find the same words spelled at least five different ways. I say pick your favorite and go with it! 😂


ell0bo t1_j6p1noo wrote

Oh yes, this I've learned over the years. Even if you Google Saint Cecilia's fasnacht , people spell it different ways. I don't even remember how they spell it on their sign, been too many years.