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pedantic_comments t1_j4so5zq wrote

$2K in restitution for breaking a window and assaulting guards when you broke into Congress?!

What a fucking joke.


30686 t1_j4sxfzn wrote

Sounds like the $2,000 restitution is for the windows he broke. Restitution is not a fine. It's just for paying financial losses you've caused while committing a crime. He'll do somewhere between 57 and 71 months in a federal prison for assaulting officers. That's no joke.


Knoblord_McCheese t1_j4tc2dr wrote

They're getting harsher as the feds move up the chain. They scooped up the little guys first and offered them deals for more info. Now you're starting to see 5 years, 8 years, a couple guys are doing 15-20 years...

If anything we should be awed by the speed they're moving, considering how long these things usually take. It was only 2 years ago and there were, what, 1000+ people charged so far? That's really not bad when you put it in perspective. And the sentences will get longer as they start to go after organizers, people who actually assaulted the cops... it just seems like it's taking a super long time because we want to see these assholes hang immediately and it gets frustrating.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j4ucsbq wrote

Accountability and serious consequences - otherwise it is a greenlight to do it again, and more violently.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j4x6ayk wrote

What a piece of shit. Good riddance to this fucking loser for the next few years. My guess is he continues to be a useless pile of shit for the rest of his worthless life. He’s a fucking terrorist and should be treated as such.