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No-Razzmatazz- t1_j652wjm wrote

Since you're the reporter why did you think that it was important to include the fact that the victim was a virgin, to the point of highlighting it in the headline?


DigitalHemlock t1_j66a2k6 wrote

Reporters don't get to pick their own headlines. Often the ones selected piss them off and they are written by editors to get people to read.


jillianpikora OP t1_j67lwyk wrote

Yep, that is exactly what happened, but I was slacked and a discussion was had. I ultimately felt it was/is an important detail (others thought her intoxication was important "Drunk Woman Raped"... I very much vetoed that). The woman assaulted emphasized this detail multiple times in her police interview to highlight why the attack was so horrific for her. It was clear her virginity was important/significant to her and it made the emotional and physical trauma of the rape and assault worse so she wanted authorities and later a court to beware of this. Based on that element of the court documents I did give the headline the final ok, especially since I had already mentioned her virginity in the body of the article.