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pa_curious_mom t1_j50hjzc wrote

PSBA is finally pushing out some “revised” policies that reiterate what a board should and should not do. But I agree they can be a lot more helpful. Push out emails to us reminding us… giving guidance on how ti handle unruly public comments, etc. Our board president is reluctant to enforce rules for public comment and also for board discussion (like, off topic, save that for “new business” etc) because of the immediate backlash we’ll get from the small yet very vocal group of Mastriano supporters. I’m the only one to call “point of order” and ask presiding officer to enforce rules. When I do, he does, but damn it’s a circus out there. I worry about the kids, the teachers, the administration. District is getting dragged down and I want all parents to wake up.


IamSauerKraut t1_j50o3ez wrote

>PSBA is finally pushing out some “revised” policies that reiterate what a board should and should not do.

imho, PSBA is more about getting school boards to work with school administrators than they are about representing the school board point of view. Only useful thing they've done over the past decade is making Simon Campbell chew on his toenails.


pa_curious_mom t1_j50oeph wrote

Ha! And how fitting that Mr. Campbell lives in Bucks Co.


IamSauerKraut t1_j50qh65 wrote

His numerous RTKL filings have helped public schools more than he knows. School employees' personal info, for instance, is more secure now than when he first started his garbage a decade ago. His war on teachers' collective bargaining units is pretty much done thanks to various court rulings. Dud loves to lose.