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tinymonesters t1_j50n389 wrote

Pennsylvania's Judicial Conduct Board received four complaints about Michael Conahan between 2004

Yeah not quite 30 years but not speedy either.


IamSauerKraut t1_j50xun2 wrote

I'm more concerned about the slow-walk the Disciplinary Board took in revoking the law licenses of the Conahan and Ciavarella. They were indicted in January 2009. Both were removed from any judicial activities a week or so later.

Although convicted in 2011, the SCOPA did not disbar Ciavarella until late 2019. He was only temporarily suspended in 2012. Typically, an attorney convicted of DUI will lose the license in less than a year after conviction. Ciavarella was allowed to resign - with no mention of the conviction in the Order! - upon submission in August of 2019. The delay appears to be the result of his numerous appeals of the conviction.

Conahan resigned from full-time duties in Jan 2008, thereafter becoming a senior judge (essentially part-time). He initially plead guilty to the indictment, withdrew the plea, only to later again plea guilty. He was sentenced in September 2011 to a country club facility in Florida.

The criminal cases were based on the corrupt acts of Conahan and Ciavarella during the 2003 to 2008 time period. Because of Ciavarella's playing of the system (guilty plea early withdrawn later, then trial, then numerous appeals over the course of nearly a decade), the civil cases were hampered, indeed stalled due to the uncertainty in Ciaveralla's case. Most of his convictions were tossed.

A long slog of a mess, to be sure, but the delayed outcomes are exactly as they should be. No one will miss those 2 once they are gone.

One interesting thing about the case pertains to retaining parts of the files of the juveniles affected. With the conclusion of the civil cases, I hope these files become shredded into dust. (2nd full para on p. 3)


tinymonesters t1_j50y5xu wrote

The more you know about this the worse it gets. Disgusting.