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Extreme_Qwerty OP t1_j6709cm wrote

>Democrats: "We wanna take your rights and force you to rely on the government while we take your money"

I still loathe the lazy Dems. That being said, every time I propose cutting HEAVILY taxpayer-subsidized Medicare and veteran benefits, people lose their shit.

Nobody's forced to sign up for any government program, btw.

And to keep yourself out of prison for sedition, the 2A is intended for tyranny by ANOTHER government, not your own. Take up arms against your own government and you're headed for pokey.


TwitchandSmokeMain t1_j671zaa wrote

Technically it is for both, but the cia and fbi would prefer it if people kept thinking that it wasnt


TwitchandSmokeMain t1_j672fe6 wrote

The healthcare system is fucked, but i cant really see a solution that benefits both the system and the people. As someone who doesnt have health insurance i know i cannot afford going to the hospital for anything

But at the same time, taxes are bad enough as it is, i dont wanna pay more