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art-man_2018 t1_j6op47l wrote

Early 1970s I think 1973. I had just gotten a pair of new binoculars for my 13th birthday. I called my friend up and we went up the hill in my neighborhood (Plymouth Meeting) where they were building new homes there. From that vantage point one could view all of Plymouth Township and further south. It was a clear day and hardly any clouds in the sky, so perfect to view around the area and sometimes a small plane heading into or from Wings Field, an airport nearby. Then I saw something heading towards us about a mile away and a few hundred feet up. I realized it wasn't a plane, wasn't moving and wasn't making any sound either. The object was I say about 30 feet in diameter, a chrome silver disc, no windows. This object just hovered there in the air for five minutes. My friend saw it too. After that period of time it started slowly ascending and then in seconds silently shot upwards and vanished. Of course nobody believed us, nothing in the news of course, but whenever we get in contact over the years, my friend and I always reassure ourselves that we indeed saw an unidentified flying object.