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Allemaengel t1_j5hcznf wrote

Well, it's disappointing but I grew up in just such a place and I long since learned to keep my distance and keep my politics to myself.

My neighbors seem to like me and will help me when I need it as I would for them.


kiddestructo t1_j5i20qu wrote

Everything you said, except splitting wood, is exactly how I function here.


ktappe t1_j5ip3f2 wrote

I do the wood splitting but none of the other stuff. So we complement each other. (Had apple trees but they died, and the new ones I planted died too.)


Allemaengel t1_j5i2lxp wrote

Spent some time up your way and that sure sounds about right.

I'm on a surprising cold hilltop considering it's not Northern Tier here in the western Poconos with a woodstove and endless free firewood all over so splitting wood year-round is a thing.


kiddestructo t1_j5i3poz wrote

I had to give up the wood stove, worked construction my whole life and my back and joints are a mess. I really missed out on all the dead ash on my property.


Allemaengel t1_j5i405e wrote

I work construction too. I hear ya

I'm splitting endless ash before it rots. Splits nice and easy.